Order in Quran/1

What Quran Says about Order and Discipline 

10:12 - April 14, 2024
News ID: 3487925
IQNA – The Holy Quran, in addition to highlighting the order in Takwin (creation) of the natural world, invites mankind to a series of values, behaviors and instructions that bring about order and discipline.

Holy Quran


The Holy Quran refers to two kinds of order: Takwini (related to creation) and Tashriei (related to legislation). First of all, the foundation of creation is based on order and precise designing in everything: “He has created all things with precisely accurate planning.” (Verse 2 of Surah Al-Furqan)

This is related to human in that human is God’s viceroy on earth and it is necessary that he attains divine attributes. So Hikma (wisdom) and order should prevail his life.

The second is order in Islamic Sharia which affects human’s life from two aspects. First, there are recommendations and instructions that the Sharia directly offers about order and planning in Muslims’ affairs. And the other is the collection of Islamic rulings that bring Muslims under a precise planning and special order. In other words, if one organizes his life in accordance with the Islamic teachings and tries to base his words and deeds on the true Islamic planning, he will acquire order in thoughts and deeds.

For example, the Holy Quran always advises its followers to observe divine laws: “These are the laws of God. Do not transgress against them; those who do so are unjust.” (Verse 229 of Surah Al-Baqarah)  

Another example is the timings specified for acts of worship such as Salah (prayers): “Say your prayer when the sun declines until the darkness of night and also at dawn.” (Verse 78 of Surah Al-Isra)

Or regarding fasting, God has specified the holy month of Ramadan. (Verse 187 of Surah Al-Baqarah)

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Believers also have order and discipline in social affairs and do everything, especially in important matters, with the permission of the society’s leader. If someone does not act this way, he will not be among true believers: “The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, and who, when gathered with him upon a common matter do not depart till they have asked his permission.” (Verse 62 of Surah An-Nur)

Imam Ali (AS) told Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr: “Say prayers at the appointed time. Do not say it earlier for the sake of (available) leisure nor delay it on account of pre-occupation. Remember that every act of yours is dependent on your prayer.”

So saying the daily prayers at the right time helps one regulate his daily activities. Learning the appropriate time and order of the rituals of Salah and acting accordingly are also helpful in this regard. Even saying prayers in congregation is somehow an exercise in order, discipline and coordination.

